1. We are able to invite three experienced speakers from the industry to share experience, knowledge and tips on topics related to financial literacy. Topics covered in these workshops/talks are importance of insurances and the differences between a normal insurance and a Takaful insurance. Other than that, the talks also include the tips on how to manage our finance well, how to plan our investments and the mediums of investment present for the communiy these days. Last but not least, the last speaker covered on how to start build a steady side-income and discussed on more real life issues with the audience. The participants who were present gave feedbacks saying that the event is very beneficial as the inputs of the programme is relevant to them. 2. The booths that have been placed at the "Dataran Science" had a reasonable number of visitors. The visitors who participated in the game booths have been given awareness and educated on the following topics such as scam, medical insurance, The visitors complimented that the games were fun and posters were informative. Thus, we have achieved the objective in spreading the awareness of topics on financial literacy and the importance of the elements of financial literacy in real life. 3. Although the audience size for the talks were not big, but the participants who joined us was from different faculties and different courses, which shows that this event is able to attract the attention of a diverse crowd. It too shows the awareness level of students who are the focussed community are at a good levell that they must be well-equiped with knowledge and skills in financial literacy in order for them to be able to be good in financial management and planning of their own. Thus, we have increase the awareness of the importance of financial literacy in everyone's daily lives.